SEND Provision

“Where Every Child Thrives, Nurtured, Succeed Together”

Brackely STEAM Park Academy provides proactive Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) provision and extracurricular activities through STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics). We have a shared vision to ensure our setting is a happy place, a healthy place, a safe place, and a place where our pupils are nurtured and educated, and to explore the love of learning to gain skills and promote positive wellbeing and develop self-esteem.

We provide an interesting but inspirational setting, and our educational materials are therapeutic for the children.

Pupils may learn differently and have an intensive interest, and pupils may have a preference for independent play to explore and learn at their own pace without the pressures and fast-paced challenges.

There are a number of factors why parents may want to arrange these provisions for their children, for example:

  • Illness and physical disability
  • A desire to home school while making use of education settings for some subjects
  • Primary setting refusal due to social, emotional and mental health
  • Allowing time for integration
  • A staggered return to learning after an absence for any reason
  • Social communication difficulties and anxiety