We understand how positive wellbeing can affect our pupil’s personal development and resilience. We understand how the wellbeing of others around us can be influenced by us and influence us. We understand that wellbeing is a fluid feeling and all children’s journey through periods of positive and negative social, emotional and mental health.
Because of this, we understand that, in order to promote best outcomes for our pupils, parents and members who are families of Brackley STEAM Park Academy, we want to work towards the promotion of wellness of all children in our community.
Wellbeing strategy
Using information gathered through the settings evaluation, extracurricular provision and risk factors, Brackley STEAM Park shall be promoting positive wellbeing through the following areas:.
Our role is to ensure that pupils are able to manage times of change, challenges and stress, be resilient, are supported to reach their potential and access help when they need it. We also have a role to ensure that pupils learn about what they can do to maintain positive mental health, what affects their emotions, how they can help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues and where they can go if they need help and support.
Our aim is to help nurture the protective factors which build resilience to mental health problems and be a school where:
- all pupils are valued
- pupils have a sense of belonging and feel safe
- Students feel able to talk openly with trusted adults about their problems without feeling any stigma
- positive mental health is promoted and valued
- bullying is not tolerated
Developing wellbeing during our SEND sessions
- Easily accessed learning activities (local catchment area)
- Access to schemes to support financially
Build the parent community within the families of Brackley STEAM Park through the use of after-school STEAM clubs, school hours and extracurricular activities.
Developing parents’ ability to promote positive wellbeing amongst themselves and their children.
- Provide first-hand information and support to parents.
- Provide information and signposting to promote wellbeing.